Tuesday, December 14, 2010


We received back our entry results from the Davis Council and several of our students are on their way to be judged by the Utah Region 3 PTA.
Sydnee Gunnarson- Visual Arts
Ellie Sowby-photography
John Sandorf-musical composition
Carmen Ashby- musical composition
Congratulations! We will know the results in February. Those local winners who did not move on will get their Reflections entries back this week. Also all of our sixth grade entries will be returned as none of them won at the local Junior High.
Special thanks to all the parent and grandparents who attended our rewards assembly. Remember to use your IMAX tickets by January 2nd!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Student Directory

Our West Bountiful Elementary Student Directory is now complete.  They are available for purchase in the school office for $5.00

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Next week is our Book Fair!
Please come and support us in room 6.
We will be open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1:30pm-6:30pm.
See you there!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Red Ribbon Week

Please be aware next week October 25-28 is Red Ribbon Week.

We encourage all to participate!
Thanks for your support.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Important Dates

October 11-13 is Principal's week. We as a PTA would like to encourage you to write a note, draw a picture or just simply take the time to thank Mrs Fletcher for all of her wonderful work.

October 14-15 No school!

October 21-Literacy Night 6:30pm at the school

October 25-28 Red Ribbon Week

Happy October!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Box Tops Recess

Mrs. Dalrymple's class won our drawing for the extra recess because they cut on the dotted lines of all their box tops. October marks a new chance for you to get your class entered into the drawing. Only six classes were entered in for September, so cut around all your box tops and your class will be in our next drawing! Check the graph for updated totals!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fall Box Tops Competition

Our Fall Box Tops Competition has started. One class from every grade level will win a game for their class room. It will come in handy during those inside recesses that are sure to crop up this winter. Turn in your box tops by October 22nd to count for the Fall Competition. Here are the numbers so far:
Scow AM: 172
Scow PM: 89
Egbert AM: 51
Egbert PM: 0

First Grade:
Mecham: 211
Godwin: 140
Chandler: 91

Second Grade
Dalrymple: 177
Davis: 52
Bigler: 40

Third Grade
Whitten: 305
Hunter 49
Stevens: 9

Fourth Grade:
Edwards: 40
Boom: 10
LeFevre: 9

Fifth Grade:
Patterson: 25
Mahmood: 18
Woodward: 19

Sixth Grade:
Mills: 219
Miller: 15
Earnshaw: 11

Don't forget to trim around all of your box tops before turning them in. Classes that have all their box tops trimmed will be entered into a monthly drawing for an extra recess! The first extra recess drawing will be at the end of September.

Pledge To Fitness Fundraiser!

Our first fundraiser will be the week of Sept 27th during your students PE class. You should have received a Pledge To Fitness form on Tuesday or Wednesday. They will need to be returned to the school on Wednesday, Sept. 22nd. Please collect the money in a ziploc bag or envelope and attach it to the pledge form. Make sure the envelope or bag is clearly marked with your students name, grade, and teacher. There is one pledge form for K-3rd grade and another for 4th-6th grade. Thank you so much for your support!

If you are interested in volunteering to help at the Pledge To Fitness, please email me at brittney.webster@gmail.com and I will forward you the sign up sheet.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Attention Parents

During the first week of school, we sent home a magnet with school information and calendar on it. More recently, we have sent home a PTA newsletter and this week you should be receiving the instructions/guidelines for our Reflections Contest.

Please check with your student each day to see if there are papers you should get. Sometimes they turn into paper airplanes and/or are destroyed before they ever get home...

Please remind your students that papers handed to them by their teacher should come home to the parent.

Thank you!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Room Parent Tea

If you are interested in helping with your child's classroom Halloween and Valentine parties, 
Please come to our Room Parent Tea.

Wednesday, September 8th at 3:30pm in the lunch room.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Bike Rodeo

Wednesday, September 1st right after school we will be having a


We will be learning all about bicycle safety.
Parents, please feel free to join us and bring any younger siblings.

Remember your bikes and bike helmets!
See you there.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Smiths Reward Card

Parents, please tell grandparents, aunts, uncles and community members to link their Fresh Values card (from Smiths Marketplace) to West Bountiful Elementary. Last school year the PTA earned $1006.00 from only 44 linked cards.

We can do much better.

This is an easy, no hassle way to earn money for our school. Simply by linking your card to our school, the PTA can earn money that will help towards the Bear Cub Store, field trips, our AR program, Red Ribbon week, etc.

Please, please link your cards. You can find the link here. Follow the instructions to begin an account (all you need is an email account and your fresh values card number). After your account is set up, one of your options will be to enroll your card in the 'Earn and Learn Program'. You can also do it in any Smiths store.

Really, it is very easy money for our school. And the more we can get this way, the less we have to bother you with fundraisers, etc.

Please let your family members know. Any Smiths store from Logan to St. George is able to donate to our school! Pass the word along.

Thanks as always for your support of the West Bountiful Elementary PTA.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Three Weeks...

School is just three weeks away from starting!!!
We are so excited for the new school year.
Please stay tuned for new updates and information that will be coming soon.
Everything from

PTA Membership to T-Shirt ordering to Student Directories.

We're looking forward to another GREAT YEAR!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Box Tops Winner!

Congratulations to our First Grade! They will be getting a pizza party for their efforts! Here are the final totals:

Kindergarten: 597
First Grade 1692
Second Grade-1176
Third Grade-692
Fourth Grade-630
Fifth Grade-1587
Sixth Grade-390

Please keep your box tops until next school year. We will have some fun new competitions then. A great big thanks to our box tops committee! You are the best!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Contest Winners

Congratulations to the following for the Turn off the TV Contest

First Place: Mrs Hunter's class
Second Place: Mrs Davis' class
Third Place: Miss Smith AM Kindergarten

Thank you to everyone for participating. We are happy you found great alternatives to the television, we hope you'll keep doing them.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Box Tops Totals

Here are the current totals for each grade level. Remember, the competiton ends May 14th! Help your grade get a pizza party!

1st Grade- 1,457
2nd Grade- 735
3rd Grade- 538
4th Grade-542
5th Grade-876
6th Grade-387

Keep up the great work! Turn in all box tops now so they don't expire!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New Box Tops Totals

We still want all your box tops before May 14th. Remember that the winning grade will get a pizza party.

1st grade- 1121
2nd grade-559
3rd grade-345
4th grade-360
5th grade- 389
6th grade-189
Thanks for all the great collecting. You really do help the school!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

No Fun Run

Due to the inclement weather forecast for this week. We are going to CANCEL our Spring Fun Run. Any questions, call the school.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Current Box Tops Totals

The box tops totals are as follows:
Kindergarten: 299
lst grade: 951
2nd grade: 302
3rd grade: 300
4th grade: 360
5th grade: 334
6th grade: 41
Keep collecting! Remember the grade level with the most will win a pizza party. Deadline for competition is May 14th.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Current Box Top Totals

Here are the Spring Box Tops Competition Totals:
1st Grade-692
2nd Grade-165
3rd Grade-186
4th Grade-215
5th Grade-252
6th Grade-41

Way to go! Watch for an update right after Spring Break!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Class Pictures

Class Pictures will be March 30th. Look for more details to come!

New Spring Box Tops Competition

The spring competition for box tops collection has already begun! Work with all the students in you grade level to collect box tops. The grade level with the most box tops will win a pizza party! Competition ends May 14th. Check back periodically for your grade's numbers.

Winter Box Top Competition Results!

Each grade had a class winner for the Winter Box Tops competition. Here are the results, with the winners of each grade listed first

Smith AM- 410
Smith PM- 55
Vandegraff AM- 221
Vandegraff PM- 330

1st Grade
Mecham- 442

2nd Grade
Davis- 628

3rd Grade
Stevens- 1164

4th Grade

5th Grade
Patterson- 437

6th Grade
Mills- 615
Boom -198

Thanks for all the great collecting! Keep up the good work!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dr. Suess Family Morning

Celebrate Dr. Seuss Day!

Come read with your family at school on
Tuesday, March 2nd, 8am-8:45am
Refreshments will be served in the gym.

Monday, February 1, 2010

PTA is wondering if you would like to help out make next year Extraordinary??
I am looking for people who would like to fill positions in the PTA next year. This is a great way to volunteer and help out the school. The positions below are still available, so please take a look at them and see if any of them could be filled by you or someone you know that may not be looking at our site.

PRESIDENT ELECT: Shadows the President; attends all board meetings; jumps in where and when needed; attends the Utah PTA convention and job training; selects a nominating committee to determine 2011-2012's board

TREASURE: Keeps the PTA's book balanced; issues the checks with appropriate documentation and signatures; attends all function where money has been collected ( afterwards needs to be present to count final total: like carnival, book fair, membership, T-shirts, etc.); follows up to make sure that the checks that are suppose to be coming in are; prepares books for final audit at the end of year

SECRETARY: Takes minutes at the meetings or if not going to be attending finds someone who will take them for you; reminds everyone of upcoming meeting, events, etc.; keeps a current directory

REFLECTIONS COMMISSIONER: Oversees the reflection contest; sets the deadlines for them to turn in completed projects; publicize the theme and encourages students to participate; sends home information with students of the official rules and deadline dates; arrange for judges to judge the projects; sets up an award and participation ceremony at the school; see if possible to have them displayed in school library or at city hall for all to see.

VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR: Reminds parents to sign in the office when volunteering so the school can get credit for the hours; makes sure the volunteer sheets in the office for parents to sign in are available; keeps track of volunteer hours and send them to council each month; Coordinates Room Parent Tea(who is the head room mom and reminds them two weeks before the Halloween party and Valentines Party); find out if teachers need help and fill that position if possible; have a volunteer list to be filled out at back to school night so we can get volunteers for things like Carnival, Red Ribbon week, book fair, etc.

SAFETY AND HEALTH COMMISSIONER: Meets with Safety committee to help plan evacuation drills; coordinates dates for eye exams, hearing test, and Maturation program, and gets the volunteers set up if need for these functions; helps with fire safety day, walk to school day , etc.

RED RIBBON WEEK: plan and carry out activities for Red Ribbon Weekwhich is in Oct; makes out flyer's to go home to encourage participation for this week; makes sure kids understand the importance of why we have Red Ribbon Week

6Th GRADE GRADUATION: most likely a parent who will have a sixth grader next year because they will be attending their son or daughters graduation; they need to help get it coordinated with the teachers and school; plan out refreshments;

FIELD DAY: this is the last week of school you get games and supplies; reserve some blow-up toys if budgeted; fill in volunteers for the times you need them; make sure all teachers have a time that works for them to attend the activities

AR VOLUNTEER: works on a committee with Mrs. Teel and some other teachers and parents to make sure the books in the library are marked correctly with the testing points and reading level; makes sure periodically that all grades are having testing grades coming in; comes up with an incentive program for kids to participate

TEACHERS BIRTHDAYS: be available once a month to pick up something for the teachers who's birthdays are that month lunch, nice gift, etc. Make sure that the teacher/student/staff birthday bulletin board is updated monthly with the birthdays

BOOK FAIR: in Nov and Feb during SEP conferences; coordinates with the book people to have the books delivered at appropriate time; set-up and take down book fair with a committee; make sure book fair is posted for all to know that it is going on; be available to set-up volunteers to fill in times to help out where needed; be available at the end to count money;

CARNIVAL: plan and prepare a carnival in Sept for students and parents to enjoy; be able to make any contacts needed; plan on setting up and taking down; make sure it is well publicized for all to attend and be aware of

NEWSLETTER: collects all news articles for the letter, ; makes sure everything is included that needs to be; types it and puts it onto the computer so it can be distributed to the blog and school web site; updates it monthly or bi-monthly whatever the PTA votes on

SCHOOL PICTURES: comes to school on the day of the pictures, (2 times a year once at the first and then the other around fe.-mar.); work with Bell Photography to bring up the individual classes to have their pictures taken; coordinate 3-4 volunteers

TEACHER APPRECIATION: coordinate a week long worth of activities the first week of May for the teachers and/or students; plan a luncheon on Tuesday for Teachers only for National Teacher Appreciation day and them another luncheon again on Friday for the whole teaching staff.

T-SHIRTS: design and find a distributor who will print the t-shirts; make flyer's and send home with kids; advertise t-shirts at different events (back-to-school night, carnival, etc.), fill orders and distribute them to students when they are available;

MOVIE NIGHT/SWIM NIGHT: work with Mrs. Teel to get a school approved movie and then set up a fun night with snack bar for families to purchase; set up swim/skate night with Rec center in Jan; advertise both of these events and make sure parents know when they are and what their options are

LITERACY NIGHT: help coordinate a fun night of reading with the reading teacher; see if PTA help is needed at where for this event; maybe have some fun reading activities going on for a week to promote reading


Monday, January 25, 2010

The Book Fair is coming

Everyone at the school is getting excited for the spring bookfair from Scholastic. There will be several new selections along with some of the popular selections from the fall fair. Please visit the bookfair homepage for our school to check out the hours and some of the fun things happening.


Hope to see everyone there at the fair.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Please Join Us


at South Davis Rec Center

January 22, 2010 6-9pm

West Bountiful Elementary Students can

bring 1 Box Top per Family to the Rec Center

and for $1 per Person, your family can choose


(Ice Skating Rink does not open til 7pm)

Enjoy a fun evening with your family and see your friends from school!

Keep collecting those Box Tops!! Our school is doing GREAT!!