Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fall Box Tops Competition

Our Fall Box Tops Competition has started. One class from every grade level will win a game for their class room. It will come in handy during those inside recesses that are sure to crop up this winter. Turn in your box tops by October 22nd to count for the Fall Competition. Here are the numbers so far:
Scow AM: 172
Scow PM: 89
Egbert AM: 51
Egbert PM: 0

First Grade:
Mecham: 211
Godwin: 140
Chandler: 91

Second Grade
Dalrymple: 177
Davis: 52
Bigler: 40

Third Grade
Whitten: 305
Hunter 49
Stevens: 9

Fourth Grade:
Edwards: 40
Boom: 10
LeFevre: 9

Fifth Grade:
Patterson: 25
Mahmood: 18
Woodward: 19

Sixth Grade:
Mills: 219
Miller: 15
Earnshaw: 11

Don't forget to trim around all of your box tops before turning them in. Classes that have all their box tops trimmed will be entered into a monthly drawing for an extra recess! The first extra recess drawing will be at the end of September.

Pledge To Fitness Fundraiser!

Our first fundraiser will be the week of Sept 27th during your students PE class. You should have received a Pledge To Fitness form on Tuesday or Wednesday. They will need to be returned to the school on Wednesday, Sept. 22nd. Please collect the money in a ziploc bag or envelope and attach it to the pledge form. Make sure the envelope or bag is clearly marked with your students name, grade, and teacher. There is one pledge form for K-3rd grade and another for 4th-6th grade. Thank you so much for your support!

If you are interested in volunteering to help at the Pledge To Fitness, please email me at and I will forward you the sign up sheet.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Attention Parents

During the first week of school, we sent home a magnet with school information and calendar on it. More recently, we have sent home a PTA newsletter and this week you should be receiving the instructions/guidelines for our Reflections Contest.

Please check with your student each day to see if there are papers you should get. Sometimes they turn into paper airplanes and/or are destroyed before they ever get home...

Please remind your students that papers handed to them by their teacher should come home to the parent.

Thank you!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Room Parent Tea

If you are interested in helping with your child's classroom Halloween and Valentine parties, 
Please come to our Room Parent Tea.

Wednesday, September 8th at 3:30pm in the lunch room.