Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dr. Suess Family Morning

Celebrate Dr. Seuss Day!

Come read with your family at school on
Tuesday, March 2nd, 8am-8:45am
Refreshments will be served in the gym.

Monday, February 1, 2010

PTA is wondering if you would like to help out make next year Extraordinary??
I am looking for people who would like to fill positions in the PTA next year. This is a great way to volunteer and help out the school. The positions below are still available, so please take a look at them and see if any of them could be filled by you or someone you know that may not be looking at our site.

PRESIDENT ELECT: Shadows the President; attends all board meetings; jumps in where and when needed; attends the Utah PTA convention and job training; selects a nominating committee to determine 2011-2012's board

TREASURE: Keeps the PTA's book balanced; issues the checks with appropriate documentation and signatures; attends all function where money has been collected ( afterwards needs to be present to count final total: like carnival, book fair, membership, T-shirts, etc.); follows up to make sure that the checks that are suppose to be coming in are; prepares books for final audit at the end of year

SECRETARY: Takes minutes at the meetings or if not going to be attending finds someone who will take them for you; reminds everyone of upcoming meeting, events, etc.; keeps a current directory

REFLECTIONS COMMISSIONER: Oversees the reflection contest; sets the deadlines for them to turn in completed projects; publicize the theme and encourages students to participate; sends home information with students of the official rules and deadline dates; arrange for judges to judge the projects; sets up an award and participation ceremony at the school; see if possible to have them displayed in school library or at city hall for all to see.

VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR: Reminds parents to sign in the office when volunteering so the school can get credit for the hours; makes sure the volunteer sheets in the office for parents to sign in are available; keeps track of volunteer hours and send them to council each month; Coordinates Room Parent Tea(who is the head room mom and reminds them two weeks before the Halloween party and Valentines Party); find out if teachers need help and fill that position if possible; have a volunteer list to be filled out at back to school night so we can get volunteers for things like Carnival, Red Ribbon week, book fair, etc.

SAFETY AND HEALTH COMMISSIONER: Meets with Safety committee to help plan evacuation drills; coordinates dates for eye exams, hearing test, and Maturation program, and gets the volunteers set up if need for these functions; helps with fire safety day, walk to school day , etc.

RED RIBBON WEEK: plan and carry out activities for Red Ribbon Weekwhich is in Oct; makes out flyer's to go home to encourage participation for this week; makes sure kids understand the importance of why we have Red Ribbon Week

6Th GRADE GRADUATION: most likely a parent who will have a sixth grader next year because they will be attending their son or daughters graduation; they need to help get it coordinated with the teachers and school; plan out refreshments;

FIELD DAY: this is the last week of school you get games and supplies; reserve some blow-up toys if budgeted; fill in volunteers for the times you need them; make sure all teachers have a time that works for them to attend the activities

AR VOLUNTEER: works on a committee with Mrs. Teel and some other teachers and parents to make sure the books in the library are marked correctly with the testing points and reading level; makes sure periodically that all grades are having testing grades coming in; comes up with an incentive program for kids to participate

TEACHERS BIRTHDAYS: be available once a month to pick up something for the teachers who's birthdays are that month lunch, nice gift, etc. Make sure that the teacher/student/staff birthday bulletin board is updated monthly with the birthdays

BOOK FAIR: in Nov and Feb during SEP conferences; coordinates with the book people to have the books delivered at appropriate time; set-up and take down book fair with a committee; make sure book fair is posted for all to know that it is going on; be available to set-up volunteers to fill in times to help out where needed; be available at the end to count money;

CARNIVAL: plan and prepare a carnival in Sept for students and parents to enjoy; be able to make any contacts needed; plan on setting up and taking down; make sure it is well publicized for all to attend and be aware of

NEWSLETTER: collects all news articles for the letter, ; makes sure everything is included that needs to be; types it and puts it onto the computer so it can be distributed to the blog and school web site; updates it monthly or bi-monthly whatever the PTA votes on

SCHOOL PICTURES: comes to school on the day of the pictures, (2 times a year once at the first and then the other around fe.-mar.); work with Bell Photography to bring up the individual classes to have their pictures taken; coordinate 3-4 volunteers

TEACHER APPRECIATION: coordinate a week long worth of activities the first week of May for the teachers and/or students; plan a luncheon on Tuesday for Teachers only for National Teacher Appreciation day and them another luncheon again on Friday for the whole teaching staff.

T-SHIRTS: design and find a distributor who will print the t-shirts; make flyer's and send home with kids; advertise t-shirts at different events (back-to-school night, carnival, etc.), fill orders and distribute them to students when they are available;

MOVIE NIGHT/SWIM NIGHT: work with Mrs. Teel to get a school approved movie and then set up a fun night with snack bar for families to purchase; set up swim/skate night with Rec center in Jan; advertise both of these events and make sure parents know when they are and what their options are

LITERACY NIGHT: help coordinate a fun night of reading with the reading teacher; see if PTA help is needed at where for this event; maybe have some fun reading activities going on for a week to promote reading